Most businesses do have great ideas on where and how they
want to evolve. However, they rarely take sufficient time to
combine those ideas into an holistic, cohesive and actionable
plan. The result, at best, is slow to moderate growth and
constant firefighting, at worst, a great idea or business going
nowhere fast. Decisions are difficult to make because there is
no frame of reference and it’s hard for outsiders to align with
the game plan because it is not clear and obvious.
What Will it look like,
and how will it feel
when you get there?
What are the
obstacles that need
to be overcome, the
opportunities to be
Day 1
What are you doing and why?
A one-page
Timeline with
typically 20-25 key
A clear understanding
of the problem you
solve and why you are
uniquely positioned
to deliver.
A vision or clear
description of the
destination you are
travelling to.
Introductions, if
required, to trusted
subject matter experts
than can help you
address key needs.
A story to
tell - one that will
excite you, your
employees, your
investors and your
And most
importantly a
deep-rooted sense
of confidence in the
way forward!